78th Annual Steveston Salmon Festival - 2025 Parade Application Form
Thank you for applying to be a part of the 77th Annual Steveston Salmon Festival Parade. To make this event a special one for our community, please ensure to put your best efforts in decorating your floats/vehicles and costumes for individuals in your group. The selection of your application will be based on your group’s efforts to provide creativity, decorations and entertainment that contribute to the theme of our Festival and Canada Day. If you prefer to submit a hard-copy of your application, please download the PDF version below and mail/drop-off your completed application (with all sections of the form, enclosed photos, and sample handouts) to:
Steveston Salmon Festival Committee
c/o Steveston Community Society
4111 Moncton Street
Richmond, BC V7E 3A8
Participants are reminded that the Steveston Salmon Festival Parade is to provide enjoyment and fun for all members of our community, and to celebrate our national and local pride on Canada Day. This purpose should be the primary goal when planning and designing your parade entry. Please read these rules and instructions carefully and communicate key information with everyone who will be participating with your entry, as this will contribute to making the day go more smoothly, enjoyably and safely.
Note that a map and directions to the parade staging areas will be distributed in June prior to the briefing sessions.
- No parade vehicles will be allowed into staging area after 9:15 am. This is for safety reasons. Bring your vehicle(s) early to check into your assigned parking location in the staging area.
- Inform all participants in your group about the check-in number. Read and follow the check-in directions below to help us get your group to the staging location of your assigned parade number as quickly and easily as possible.
- Your entry will be expected to keep up with the parade. The pace of the parade will be set by our walkers and you will be expected to keep up with them. Entries unable to keep pace will be removed from the parade. For the safety of all participants and spectators, exceptions to the rule will need to be discussed with parade organizers.
- No throwing items of any kind into the spectators. Activities that will provoke spectators to move onto the street, or the use of water guns or water balloons, or any kind of inappropriate behaviour is NOT PERMITTED. Distribution of handouts (including candies) to spectators must be done hand-to-hand at the curb.
We have close to 100 parade entries with more than 3000 participants to coordinate so we ask for your prompt arrival, patience and attention to the parade instructions. This will help the parade run more effectively and efficiently. Your cooperation will be greatly appreciated, especially by all the volunteers involved in putting on this parade.
(Note: A ‘float’ is defined as any decorated vehicle that is motorized, towed, mounted or moved by walkers.)
- Parade Mustering Schedule & Start Times
7:00 to 8:00 am | All floats and walking entries wishing to be judged must be in the marshalling line-up. |
8:00 to 9:30 am | Judging for float/vehicle entries (non-marching/performing units) takes place. Float/vehicle and other entry inspection begins. |
9:15 am | All float/vehicle entires must be parked in the marshalling area by this time. Entries arriving after this time will be refused admission into the parade area. Have your vehicle arrive early to avoid the traffic congestion and cut-off time. |
9:30 am | Children’s Bike Parade starts from Third Avenue and Moncton Street. |
10:00 am | Parade starts at 10 o’clock sharp, to the sound of the Gulf of Georgia Cannery whistle! |
- Ensure participants in your group know the exact name of your entry as noted on your parade application. When your participants arrive, they will need to give this information at the check-in area so they can be directed to their (numbered) staging location.
- Check-in for all floats/vehicles is on Fourth Avenue at Chatham Street (please see map for directions). A Parade Marshal at this intersection will direct your vehicle to your group’s (numbered) staging location.
- Check-in for Marching Bands and all other walking entries is at Garry Point Park, on Seventh Avenue and Chatham Street. Seventh Avenue is the last southbound turn off Steveston Highway west of No. 1 Road (please see map for directions).
- DO NOT attempt to drive south on No. 1 Road to Chatham as this is only for local traffic into the parade area.
- DO NOT drive through the parade marshalling area to drop off participants.
- Drop-off for Marching Bands and all other walking entries is on Seventh Avenue at Broadway Street. Note that “drop-off” location is different from “check-in” location.
- If you are dropping off minors, please arrange with your group to provide chaperones to meet your participants at the drop off to escort them to their staging area.
- If you are bringing large instruments, we recommend you arrange to carpool your instruments into the marshalling area before 8:00 am to avoid traffic.
- Please make copies of the enclosed map for your support drivers and instruct them about the drop-off procedure.
- All entries are expected to maintain a steady parade spacing of about 12 metres (or 40 feet) behind the preceding unit and monitor speed accordingly. This important safety issue will be enforced. Parade Marshals will be stationed along the parade route to regulate spacing and take care of problems that may arise. Please give them your cooperation and heed their instructions. If your entry does not cooperate in maintaining the spacing requirements, you may not be allowed to participate in next year’s parade.
- Float/Vehicle and walking entires will be judged at their assigned parking spot in the staging area between 8:00 and 9:30 am. Entries arriving after 8:00 am will not be judged. Personnel need to be with their entry during judging.
- Marching Bands and Performing Units will be judged as they march past the Review Stand located on Moncton Street at Easthope Avenue, across from the Steveston Community Centre. Awards for Marching Bands will be announced at the Main Stage after the Opening Ceremony. Please have a representative available to accept a prize should your entry be selected. Award winners will be posted on the Steveston Salmon Festival website within a week following; any unclaimed awards will be distributed to the contact person named on the entry application at a later date.
- Avoid Stopping on the parade route. Parade entries stopping without reason during the parade will NOT be tolerated due to safety. See Safety Guidelines in Section 6 for information on emergency stops in the parade.
- Dispersal at end of parade – All entries having completed the parade route will disperse (after turning north) onto Railway Avenue from Moncton Street. Please park support vehicles on Moncton Street east of Railway Avenue, or on Railway Avenue north or south of Moncton Street (away from the parade route).
- Parade Order – Greatest effort is made to come up with an order that accommodates as many requests as possible while still providing a well-balanced parade for our spectators. The Parade Director reserves the right to alter the placement of entries for the benefit of the overall parade performance and viewing experience. Parade order WILL NOT be announced prior to July 1st and may not be finalized until the day of parade. Our office staff appreciates your restraint in not calling or emailing the office with this request, as they do not have access to this information.
- Parade Entry Changes – Receipt of your application will be acknowledged within two weeks of submission. As we do receive a large volume of emails and phone calls, please avoid phoning or following up with a second email simply to enquire if we received your submission so that we can focus our time on reviewing and approving applications. Once your application is accepted, you will not receive any further communication from us until approximately one week prior to July 1st. An email with final reminders will be sent to the address indicated on the form.
Please advise us immediately if circumstances change and you are either unable to participate or if your entry has changed from your original application.
- DISTRIBUTING ITEMS DIRECTLY FROM MOVING VEHICLES IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. Only approved handouts approved by the Steveston Salmon Festival may be distributed by handing items directly to spectators at the curb. Throwing items of any kind into the spectators, activities that will provoke spectators to move onto the street, or use of water guns or water balloons, is not permitted.
- DO NOT create a dangerous situation by throwing items into the street, which cause spectators to rush out into the parade route and potentially under the wheels of moving vehicles. Please ensure you communicate this information to everyone involved with your entry.
- If your group is found to be in violation of this rule, you may not be invited to participate in our parade the following year.
- Only handouts approved by the Steveston Salmon Festival may be distributed during the parade. Handouts will be limited to only one type of small item per entry (e.g. a small candy or similar food item, sticker or tattoo, or a small promotional leaflet or flyer no larger than 1/3 of a letter-size sheet of paper). Remember to provide a sample or description of your intended handout when submitting your application. Full sheets of paper, magazines, pencils/pens, brochures, sports balls, gift bags, and other similar items are no longer accepted. Please ask us if you are unsure.
- Each entry is limited to a maximum number of participants. Elected Public Officials are limited to maximum of 20 supporters. Commercial/Business groups are limited to maximum of 20. Groups under other categories are limited to maximum of 50. Marching/Performing Units are the only exceptions to participation limits.
- All participants, including safety and support people, are required to be appropriately and festively dressed (to comply with the theme of our Festival and Canada day) for the celebration and benefit of our spectators and overall appearance of our parade!
- The Steveston Salmon Festival Parade is a family-oriented celebration of Canada, our culture, heritage, and community spirit. Steveston Salmon Festival officials reserve the right to refuse any entry or participant that advocates, opposes, or depicts any political, religious, cultural or social issues that, in the opinion of the Steveston Salmon Festival, may be considered controversial, or generally detract from the Canada Day spirit and purpose of the parade.
- Well-behaved animals (i.e. dogs, other pets) are permitted in the parade with prior approval. Animals appearing in the parade must be under strict control at all times. Horses (and other livestock) may require approval by Coastal Health officials before entering parade.
- Ensure your vehicle is CLEAN and PROUDLY PRESENTED in our parade. Vehicles that are not decorated, dirty, damaged, in poor working condition, or generally unkempt will not be permitted. We recommend that you decorate your vehicle in a Canada Day theme along with the theme relative to your entry.
- With the exception of Vintage Vehicles or Special (show) Vehicles, all vehicle entries including cars, trucks, vans, semis and trailers must be fully decorated. This includes side panels, front and rear hood/bumpers, wheel rims and all other areas in a common-sense manner. Do not obstruct windows and mirrors to create a hazard for the driver. Not complying with decoration rules may result in refusal of entry into the staging area.
- The Parade Committee restricts float dimension limits to a width of 8 feet, height of 12 feet, and length of 35 feet for a single vehicle, and 60 feet for articulated vehicles. Height restriction is due to overhead wires across the street along the parade route – please be sure of your maximum legal height.
- Steveston Salmon Festival Committee accepts no responsibility for accident, injury or damage of any description arising from construction or operation of any float, nor participating in or other interests in the operation of this parade.
- All vehicle entries must be properly licensed and insured with a minimum of five million dollars liability insurance (ICBC). Documentation must be kept with the entry during the parade and must be provided for confirmation upon request from a Salmon Festival official.
- Refusal to follow the instructions of our Parade Marshals, or any disrespect or abuse of our volunteers, other parade participants or spectators, will not be tolerated and will be cause for removal from the parade and permanent suspension from future participation.
- Smoking or consumption of alcohol is NOT PERMITTED anywhere in the general parade staging area or route, nor smoking on or near any floats including inside vehicles whilst participating in our parade. Please also comply with City of Richmond Bylaws.
- All floats must be properly constructed to prevent breakdown during the parade, must have a proper and safe field of vision for the driver, and have proper ventilation for driver and vehicle.
- Ensure your vehicle’s (and towed float’s) brake system is in flawless working condition, including emergency brake systems, and that the vehicle is in good general operating condition.
- Drivers must remain with their float/vehicle at all times. Have someone who is qualified to attend to vehicle if driver needs to be away (i.e. go to the washroom).
- Each entry will assign a Captain. This person’s role and responsibility is to ensure that your entry, including your vehicle/float and individuals, keep up with the time and pace of the parade. The requirement to maintain parade spacing needs to be enforced to keep participants safe.
- Every parade float/vehicle is required to have at least two designated safety people, one on each side of the float/vehicle at all times whenever the vehicle is moving, for the duration of the parade route. Exceptions are given to military, police, fire and ambulance or similar emergency service vehicles.
- An adult must supervise children on floats/vehicles at all times. Children walking or on a roller device alongside a float must be supervised at all times and kept clear of the vehicle. Do not allow anyone on roller devices or in any other non-pedestrian manner to approach your moving vehicle for any reason.
- Have adult walkers assist with handout of supplies. If your vehicle is carrying ANY additional handout supplies please distribute material to your walkers from the rear of the vehicle only, and never from the sides or in front.
- Your walkers must keep up with your float/vehicle at all times. If this is not possible for your group members, then your walkers will be removed from the parade route. This is for the safety of your group members as the vehicle behind you may not be able to watch out for your people.
- Do not get between float and towing vehicle while vehicles are moving. Avoid getting in between or stepping from float to towing vehicle while moving during the parade. If adjustments are needed or there are other reasons to get between your vehicles, stop the float temporarily to do what’s necessary because we do not want anyone to get hurt.
- Unexpected stopping along parade route – If there is a need to stop your float or vehicle on the parade route, due to malfunction or safety hazard, try to move over to the right in order to allow parade entries behind you to pass through. Follow directions of your float safety crew or parade route marshals to avoid endangering spectators or delaying progress of parade.
- Do not operate vehicles side by side on parade route. All vehicles on the parade route must travel in a single file to allow room on the road in case an emergency vehicle needs to pass through.
- Carry a fire extinguisher on your vehicle. Ensure it is in good working order and you know how to use it. Fire extinguishers should be Dry Chemical type, and at least 5 lbs.
- Ensure the exhaust pipe is wrapped with fire retardant material where it passes near decorations and other flammable items.
Entries may only choose ONE award category.
Please note that categories with only one entry to be judged will not be awarded.
Ted Lorenz | Community organization or group – walking group or float. |
Seiner | Service club or religious organization – walking group or float. |
Troller | Commercial or business entry. |
Gillnetter | Sports team. |
Sockeye | Decorated float – any decorated vehicle that is motorized, towed, mounted of moved by walkers. |
Steelhead | Vintage vehicle or special (show) vehicle. |
Minnow | Mascot. |
Junior Band or Marching/Performing Unit | Judged on music (intonation, rhythmic precision, spirit/flare), marching (step precision, alignment, deportment), and crowd appeal (applause, cheers). |
Senior Band or Marching/Performing Unit | Judged on music (intonation, rhythmic precision, spirit/flare), marching (step precision, alignment, deportment), and crowd appeal (applause, cheers). |